2012 год/year
x см/x in
Время - Вперед/ Time - Go Forward
Time – forward is one of my favourite pictures. I believe that I managed to preserve the
energy amd the rhythm of the original music – the composition of Georgy Sviridov.
In the end of 2012 I was riding Sapsan from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod. As usual I had the
requisites for drawing with me, home sketches, the paper. During that day on my way to
work I have accidentally heard this great music. It is a shame but I can confess that up to that
moment I have only known this composition from the introduction to the well known TV
program. I was most impressed not by the wellridden part. The tempo, power, force of the
melody have been in harmony throughout the entire composition. But I was especially struck
by the first part (the movement of the train). I think that this impression was similar to the
viewing of the arrival of the train of Lumiere brothers.
When I look at this picture, and I believe that I managed to transfer the sound and the
tension of the melody string, each time I am embraced by the desire to build and create.